Amanda DraughnDirector of Events and Production Amanda works in many areas of the church, including managing the facilities and recreational ministries, and coordinating events Bob OckermanPastor of Encouragement He does home visits, sees people at hospitals and rehab facilities, makes phone calls, and sends cards and notes. Brian EbelSenior Pastor Helps people live into the church’s values of being unashamedly passionate about following Jesus and bringing hope, healing, and wholeness. David BalondaniSwahili Lead Pastor David leads and directs the preaching and teaching ministry for St. Luke’s Swahili ministry. Frances CadleChaplain Frances is the Chaplain Nora ConnerExecutive Pastor Nora’s responsibilities as the executive pastor include working with missions, finances, and facilities. Logan BrendleYouth Pastor Logan is in charge of St. Luke’s ministry for 6th- to 12th-grade students.