Ash Wednesday Service

St. Luke UMC 2351 Alumni Dr, Lexington, United States

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the Lenten Season, which is the six weeks of prayer and reflection leading up to Easter Sunday.  The Christian practice is to "give up" something for Lent as an act of penance and a reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made for each of us on the cross.  As…

Wednesday.comm Opening Event

St. Luke UMC 2351 Alumni Dr, Lexington, United States

The Wednesday.comm Fall Semester Opening Event is August 17!  Dinner will be served on August 17 from 5:15-7:30 pm, plates are $5 per plate ($15 max per family). Come and join us for dinner, check out some information on the classes, and sign up for one! Kids and Youth Classes We have classes for kids…

Wednesday.comm Classes Begin

St. Luke UMC 2351 Alumni Dr, Lexington, United States

Adult Classes and Groups St. Luke: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Four Classes! 6:00-7:00 pm Facilitated by Pastor Mark Girard On August 24th, 31st, September 7th and 14th, our pastor will present information leading up to our “St. Luke Anniversary Celebration.”  This will be an opportunity to learn or recall our history and foundation, find out…

Health Expo

St. Luke UMC 2351 Alumni Dr, Lexington, United States

Health Expo: Wellness Checks • Wednesday, October 26th • 5:00 – 7:30 pm Please join us for wellness checks in the gym during Wednesday.comm! Flu shots will be given by the health department, and there is no charge if you bring either your Medicare, Medicaid or Health insurance card. Otherwise, the charge is $25. Pediatric…


Make-a-Difference night

St. Luke UMC 2351 Alumni Dr, Lexington, United States

“Join us for “Make A Difference Night” Wednesday, November 16th, 5:15-7:00 p.m. Our fall Wednesday.comm season will conclude on November 16th with a meal, fellowship, and tables for placing Missions donations.  Everyone is encouraged to attend, even if you’ve never made it to a Wednesday.comm meal or class before! JOIN US FOR DINNER! The evening…

2017 Spring Wednesday.comm Kick-Off

St. Luke UMC 2351 Alumni Dr, Lexington, United States

Spring Semester Begins February 1! Our Wednesday.comm opening event this year consists of a dinner and an opening worship and sharing service led by the Grow and Equip Leadership Team. We have classes for kids and youth, too! For kids from Kindergarten through 5th grade, we will be teaching them “13 Very Awesome Promises and…

Wednesday.comm Kick-off and Service

St. Luke UMC 2351 Alumni Dr, Lexington, United States

Our Wednesday.comm Opening Meal and Service is August 16th!   With an Authentic Mexican Dinner by our own Jose and Victoria Buenrostro! Our opening event this year consists of a dinner and opening worship and sharing service led by the Grow and Equip Leadership Team.  The meal begins at 5:15 and the Opening Worship Service…

Wednesday.comm Make-a-Difference Night

St. Luke UMC 2351 Alumni Dr, Lexington, United States

Wednesday, May 2, 5:15-6:30 p.m. Our Spring Wednesday.comm season will conclude on May 2 with a fundraising meal, fellowship, donation stations, mission activities, discussions, and games. Everyone is encouraged to attend, even if you’ve never made it to a class or a meal before! Our fundraising meal will include hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad, baked beans, and assorted desserts, served and prepared by Allen…

Wednesday.comm Opening Meal and Game Night

Our Wednesday.comm Opening Meal and Game Night is August 15!  Our opening event this Year Consists of a Mexican Dinner and Opening Game Night led by the Grow and Equip Leadership Team.  The opening night will Start at 5:15 p.m. and run until 6:30 p.m. in the Gym.  The Game Night will include a Ping-Pong…

Ash Wednesday Service

St. Luke UMC 2351 Alumni Dr, Lexington, United States

Please join us to mark the beginning of Lent in worship with our Ash Wednesday service  tonight. The service will be the traditional Ash Wednesday Service of Invitation to the Lenten Discipline, Imposition of the Ashes, and healing prayer. There will be a meal before hand from 5:15-5:50 in the gym. Our meal is prepared…