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Mom’s Day Out is a ministry of St. Luke Church in Lexington, Kentucky providing part-time childcare for children 1-year-old through preschool age. We are a year-round program. Children in our program have fun while playing, learning and socializing.

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Children can be enrolled for 1 or 2 days per week.
Maximum 2 days per week, per child

1 to 2-year-old room
Mondays, Tuesdays. & Thursdays
9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
2 teachers per 7 children

2 to 3-year-old room
Mondays, Tuesdays. & Thursdays
9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
2 teachers per 7 children

3-4 Year-Old Room
Tuesdays. & Thursdays
9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
2 teachers per 8 children


Please note: Children will not be accepted before 9:30 a.m., as teachers are preparing the rooms. Also, for each minute a child remains past 2:00 p.m., a late fee of $1 per minute will be charged.

In the event that you want to hold a spot for your child, you can pay the enrollment fee and monthly tuition, even if they don’t immediately attend MDO.

We enroll children throughout the school year, any time that we have openings.

Children are enrolled for the same day(s) every week. Days of care cannot be changed unless a request is made to the coordinator and openings are available.

Children will be placed in classrooms according to their birthday and space availability. Your child must be walking before they can be admitted to our 1 to 2 year old room.


Activities are designed to meet the needs of each class.

  • Arts & Crafts
  • Free play (teaches sharing, taking turns, using words to communicate)
  • Large Motor activities (playground, gym, activity room)
  • Bible stories
  • Puzzles & Games
  • Circle Time (colors, shapes, letters, songs)
  • Music & Dance
  • Reading Books
  • Lunch

Nap/Rest Time

St. Luke MDO does NOT have designated nap or rest times for children. On occasion, we have children who nap in our nursery room cribs. Most children wait to nap until they get home in the afternoon.

  • Diaper bag or backpack with extra clothes, diapers/pull-ups, wipes
  • Lunch bag/box with bottle/cup filled with drink, finger foods already prepared for the child to eat (ex. peeled fruits, items cut for the child's needs, cooked ahead), cold pack as needed, utensils as needed
  • Jacket or coat as needed for outside play on nice days
  • Label diaper bag or backpack, lunchbox, and cup with child's name.
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Non-refundable yearly enrollment fee of $100 per child.

Tuition is $30 per day.

Tuition is due the first week of each month, for the whole month.

When your child misses school days for sickness, vacation and other reasons, full tuition is still due and no reimbursements will be made.

Payments can be made online or by check (made out to St Luke).

Tuition is considered late if it is paid past the 10th day of the month. If paid past the 10th of the month, a $10 fee will be added to regular tuition.

Due to the low cost of our program, we do not offer discounts or scholarships.

We are a self-supporting ministry of St. Luke, so fees and tuition are used to pay expenses, pay teachers and buy supplies.


All children are required to wash their hands just prior to entering the classrooms. Make it a routine to stop in the hallway before the children’s wing to wash your child’s hands or use hand sanitizer.

For more information about the program including policies about sickness and absences, security procedures, drop off and pick up, discipline and more, click the button below.


Mom's Day Out is a Ministry of St. Luke Church
2351 Alumni Drive, Lexington, KY 40517
859-269-4687 (Church office hours: M-Th, 9am-12pm)

Director of Childhood Ministries: Susan Cutshall, Program Coordinator: Molly Barber

For more information, contact us below.


If you don't hear from us in a reasonable amount of time, check your email spam folder or give us a call at 859-269-4687.