October is Staff Appreciation Month!

Pastor/Staff Appreciation Month

St. Luke Church is on fire and being led by fantastic pastors and staff through the guidance of the Holy Spirit! We cannot begin to describe our gratitude for the wonderful job they all do as we continue to grow in our faith and discipleship. We are truly blessed to have such a caring and loving group of pastors and Christian leaders who shepherd us through the grace and love of Jesus Christ and the Body of Christ.

Although we all appreciate these folks all year round, the United Methodist Church has always designated October as “Pastor and Staff Appreciation Month.” The Staff Parish Relations (SPR) team has planned to host a luncheon on Monday, October 24, to celebrate and offer a small token of our appreciation for all of the following individuals:

Staff Title/Responsibility
Brian Ebel Senior Pastor
Nora Conner Executive Pastor
Amy Carlson Pastor of Discipleship & Formation
Mark Walz Director of Communications & Technology
Susan Cutshall Children’s Pastor
Ben Porter Youth Pastor
Amanda Draughn Director of Events & Production
David Balondani Swahili Lead Pastor
Bob Ockerman Pastor of Encouragement
Debbie Beidleman Bookkeeper
Gil Rouse Maintenance Manager
Mariann Reinke Director of Worship
Brent Merritt Choir Director
Bethany Watt Handbell Choir Director
Cheryl Tolbert Piano Accompanist 
Mark Andersen Piano Accompanist 
Macy Bell Children’s Choir Director
Wes Wilcox Contemporary Worship Leader
Morgan Harper Young Adults Pastor
Ryan Kim & Dick Simpson Evening Desk & Security


Please join us in celebrating our pastors and staff this month by expressing your love and appreciation for their dedicated service with cards, letters, notes of appreciation, or simply offering words of encouragement. The SPR team will be assembling goody bags with gift cards, sweets, and other little gifts, and we would like you to participate in any way you can. Baskets will be available in the Connection and Welcome Centers, or you can place any notes or gifts in the SPR mailbox. Let’s use our imagination to show St. Luke’s pastors and staff how much we appreciate what they do for us all year long. Thank you!


-The Staff Parish Relations Team